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Reinvent your dairy at home


Your Ultimate Guide to Being Healthier Without Dairy

Your vegan cookbook with over 80 nourishing recipes for healthy dairy alternatives that you can easily make at home. Step towards a healthier you and start creating your own vegan milk, cream, cheese and many other dairy alternatives today.

Due to the great success in the Brazilian market, this ebook was now translated into English and soon Chinese to help even more people to dive into a delicious, dairy-free lifestyle. I am honoured to collaborate with these great authors Leo Caputti and Timi Domonics and am happy to share this ebook here with you, on Raw Expansion!



What you Get

Free of dairy, but full of flavour and nourishment

80+ tasty raw and cooked recipes for all levels of experience

Free of any animal products

Wholesome and healthy ingredients

Simple instructions, easy to follow recipes

Free of refined sugar, with natural sweeteners

Gluten-free, soy-free and mostly oil-free

35+ pages with valuable content to get you started

Digital ebook (pdf file) - for your smartphone, tablet, laptop or desktop

Cashew Cream Cheese

Is this ebook for you?

160+ pages of delicious recipes, dairy information and practical tips

You want to substitute some or all of your dairy products for healthier alternatives?

You don't want to make any compromises with products containing sugar, soy or gluten or additives?

You want to try new vegan recipes for making your daily meals super delicious?

You are looking for amazing plant-based recipes to surprise your friends and family with?

This is the book that got you covered – over 80 amazing recipes for making
vegan milk, yogurt, butter, cheese or desserts at home. 


Vegan Recipes

Explore 80+ delicious meals to create at home

Savory and fruity milk alternatives

Refreshing yogurt recipes

Whole-some, vegan butter

Whipped cream recipes

Simple and tasty non-fermented cheeses

Fermented cheeses with exciting flavours

Cream cheese recipes

Delicious creams for savory dishes

Curd alternatives for dipping

Creamy and fruity smoothies

Indulgent vegan desserts

Creamy mayonnaise recipes

What readers say

After its high success in Portuguese, now finally in English available
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Powerful Content

35+ of valuable information to get you started

What you need to know about cow’s milk

Nutritional information about dairy

How dairy supporters argue for their product

Health concerns about dairy

Lactose intolerance and how to detect it

Common challenges when substituting dairy and how to master them

Cooking utensils and ingredients you need

How to easily substitute refined sugar with natural sweeteners




This e-book was created to help you on your journey towards a healthier life.
If you are not satisfied with the content within 60 days after purchase, you will get your money back.

And to get a better feeling for the book, we offer you a free peak inside:

This button doesn’t work for you? Access your preview here.


I am here to help you, just drop me a message via the contact form or directly send an email to contact@rawexpansion.com.
