A conscious Healing Journey
The Start of my healing journey Many years ago when I stopped tacking the pill, I sadly developed severe acne. My liver finally started to heal and get rid of all the pathogens in my system accumulated over many years of taking birth control medication along...
No Shampoo in 4 Years
I confess. I haven’t used any shampoo in over four years. Does that mean I don’t take good care of my hair? Far from the truth. I just choose a more natural approach to give my hair the loving treatment it deserves. How our hair actually...
The Way We Move – Barefoot Shoes and Earthing
Our human feet are unique among mammals and an evolutionary masterpiece but sadly we often don’t treat them as such. Our feet carry us from A to B since our first steps as a baby usually until our last days. Shouldn't we give them the...
What is Pranic Healing?
"A time will come when science will make tremendous advances, not because of better instruments for discovering things, but because a few people will have at their command great spiritual powers, which at the present are seldom used. Within a few centuries, the art of...