Start now, today, right away!
It might be weight loss for you, healthier eating habits, toning your body, spending more time in nature or starting a meditation practice. We all have goals in our life and dream of the time when we achieve them and enjoy more health and happiness....
Staying Juicy: Healthy through Hydration
If we want to reach new levels of health, more hydration through our daily meals can be a powerful step. When our body is sufficiently hydrated, it can for example more easily remove toxins and other harmful substances from organs like the liver or kidneys. And...
30 Conscious Home Activities
Every challenge in life also brings along new opportunities. Yes, many of us are stuck at home right now, feeling a bit bored, useless and lazy at times. In those moments, remember yourself how you could use this free time to have fun, learn something...
Where to get our selenium
As a trace mineral, selenium is usually part of our soil. Plants absorb it and we take it in by eating those plants. This should be the end of the story, nevertheless selenium deficiency is a common issue in modern society. Why we can get deficient The soil...
The Way We Move – Barefoot Shoes and Earthing
Our human feet are unique among mammals and an evolutionary masterpiece but sadly we often don’t treat them as such. Our feet carry us from A to B since our first steps as a baby usually until our last days. Shouldn't we give them the...
6 Tips for a Creamy Smoothie
For a smoothie to taste awesome, it needs the full creaminess. I've been there before, the ingredients sound so great together but the final product is clumpy or thin. After almost 6 years of smoothie experience the right texture is no longer a mystery for...
Detox your System – A Beginner’s Guide
Detoxification - it happens all the time in our body, no matter if we are going through our day as always or started a juice cleanse a few days ago. It basically means to remove useless or harmful substances from our system to give space...
Arugula-Mango Smoothie
Healthy meals still have to taste good so that we can enjoy their benefits in the long run without falling back to less beneficial food decisions. So, what should we do with those bitter greens that are bursting with healing power but might be just...
Green Smoothies – One Healthy Habit
Super creamy, sweet, my favourite colour and an extremely healthy habit - Green Smoothies. In her book “Green for Life” Victoria Boutenko reports from an experiment where 27 participants drank about a litre of green smoothies daily for one month. Apart from that, their diet was...
Raw Food Diet in a Nutshell
Since turning to a raw food diet full of delicious fruits and veggies, my life became more vibrant on so many levels. Although you might only think about all the stuff you have to cut out, a raw diet is actually much more about abundance....